Capy Queen


Capybara is a famous rodent animal. She is famous beacouse her color is brown and brown color is pretty popular in this generation. A lot of people is making videos and memes about her saying (for explain) : I AM NOT A HERO, I AM NOT A KING, I AM ..... CAPYBARA😍 or Top cinco sexiest capybaras : Numero Cinco : Capy in tutu. Numero Quatro : Very sexy capy woman. Numero Dres : Capy with Jesus. Numero Dos : Capy dressed as very sexy patrick's food. Numero Uno : SUS American Capybara. And the end is like : And Don't Forget : CAPY SLAY😘😍

Shrek King

Gut Shrek


Shrek is green and he can poop himself on Mars.

Cat Queen

Smily Cat


This is Cat. She is very simple animal and common. I like cat.